Thursday 21 April 2011

Perking the Pansies Bound and Ungagged

I love writing Perking the Pansies. It keeps me off the streets and on the straight and narrow (to coin an ironic phrase). I’m truly grateful for all the kind words of encouragement I receive from readers across the globe. I don’t always have the time to respond to each one but I am cheered by them. Thank you.

Alongside the blog I’ve been writing a literary version of Perking the Pansies with added drama and spice, warts and all. It's altogether a more daring exposé of everyday expat life in Turkey and the events that shaped our world. With a lot of luck and a fair wind it may one day get published. I don’t expect to make my fortune but it would be gratifying to see someone lounging and laughing round a shimmering infinity pool, G&T in one hand, Perking the Pansies in the other.

It’s five years since Liam and I first met. Our rollercoaster life is simply the best as Tina Turner famously sang. In tribute to Liam I’m releasing a small snippet of the book which describes the manner of our meeting. It's still a work in progress but I hope you like it.

Chapter_Five.pdf Download this file
It's a PDF file. If you don't have a reader you can get one here.

Perking the Pansies has attracted quite a bit of media interest so I decided to launch my own website as I try to launch my career as a freelance writer. You can find it here.
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