Saturday 24 December 2011

Have It Your Way

Kindle1Are you a thoroughly modern Millie and would like to download Perking the Pansies to your fancy Kindle thingy bobby? Perhaps you’re opposed to Amazon taking over the world? (Of course, I couldn’t possibly comment.) Or maybe you’re a bit of a traditionalist who likes to browse the shelves and thumb through the latest releases? Well, you can do all these things. Perking the Pansies is available to download to Kindle, to purchase online at WH Smiths and Waterstones (and many other online stores), and to order at any good bookshop near you. Go on, you know you want to.

Alternatively you could buy the paperback or Kindle edition through my website and I'll earn an extra few pence. No pressure.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Houston, We Have Lift-off

An enormous thank you to On the Ege and Impossibly Glamorous for kick-starting the publicity campaign for Perking the Pansies, Jack and Liam move to Turkey. This was done without any prompting from me. I'm really touched. Find out what other reviewers have said about the book here. And that's not all. The Displaced Nation have listed the book on their Best of 2011 Expat Books and it's on the BlogExpat Christmas list.

On the day Perking the Pansies hit the presses, I found out that Joe Storey-Scott, the Book & Film Buyer for Millivres Prowler Group, contacted my publisher, Jo Parfitt. Prowler is Blighty’s premiere gay lifestyle chain with outlets in Birmingham, Brighton and a London flagship store in Brewer Street, Soho. Joe has agreed to stock the book. Wow. Thank you, Joe. The next day the book entered Amazon’s top ten of forthcoming biographies. It’s above the paperback release of Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years. Blimey.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Perking the Pansies, Unwrapped

The book cover for Perking the Pansies is done. As threatened, it’s colourful with a lot of pansies and a delicious hint of Turkey. I think it’ll catch the eye on the book shelf. Let’s face it, it'll probably glow in the dark. A huge thank you to award-winning author, Paul Burston, who has given such a glowing review. Paul wrote:

"An entertaining story, told with wit and insight." Paul Burston, author, The Gay Divorcee

Perking_the_pansies_72I'm really looking forward to presenting the book at the Polari Literary Salon in London early next year. Thank you also to the other reviewers who have given the book the thumbs up. I'm thrilled. You can read them here.

Perking the Pansies available now to pre-order on Order today and the book will be delivered to you soon after it’s published on 15th December 2011. It’ll be available to order on very soon.

Thank you to all those who voted and commented (good and critical) on my post, What’s in a Name? After much straw-polling, soul searching and deliberation, my publisher, Jo Parfitt, had an overnight epiphany. The next day, she emailed me with unconcealed excitement.
"Perking the Pansies - Jack and Liam move to Turkey"
Just like that, a book title was born. Inspired.

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Thursday 1 December 2011

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day. Many will remember when AIDS raised its deadly head in the early Eighties. It was the dark ages of ignorance and astonishing bigotry. The tabloids pandered to the pond life with talk of a gay plague, the British Government terrified old ladies with images of tomb stones and people really did think you could catch it from a coffee cup. It took Princess Diana (among many others) and a seismic shift in social attitudes to make a difference. I was one of the lucky ones. I survived when many around me were dropping like flies.

These days we live in more enlightened times. Or do we? It depresses me that many young gay men in Britain and elsewhere think HIV is an ‘old man’s’ disease and even if they do become infected they think a pill a day will keep the doctor away. It’s true that in the West people generally live with HIV rather than die from it. But, AIDS isn’t hypertension or high cholesterol. Just like flu, HIV is a virus that mutates. The drugs that work today may not work tomorrow. Still, we should count our blessings. AIDS is still devastating many developing countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa where access to expensive combination therapy is pie in the sky. AIDS affects the most sexually active and the most sexually active are also the most economically active. It’s a double whammy, more destructive than war or famine.

The rate of HIV infection in Turkey is mercifully low (according to official statistics) but with a long incubation period who really knows? Education is the key to prevention but meaningful sex education is thin on the ground here. Last year the Turkish Daily News published an article on the subject. It seems people don’t like to talk about the issue. It goes against the cultural grain. The common condom is not so common because nobody has extra-marital sex and adultery never happens. Head and sand spring to mind. And what of the legion of Shirley Valentines washed up on our shores every summer who fall for the considerable charms of the hunky waiter with the come to bed eyes? Listen up ladies, slip the French letters into your sequined clutch bag and get your man to cover up.

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